抄底选股公式: RSV:= (CLOSE-LLV(LOW,9))/(HHV(HIGH,9)-LLV(LOW,9))*100; FASTK:=SMA(RSV,3,1); K:=SMA(FASTK,3,1); D:=SMA(K,5,1); j:=3*K-2*D; ma5:=ma(c,5);ma10:=ma(c,10);ma3:=ma(c,3); 选股:all(j>ref(j,1),4) and llv(l,4)=llv(l,40) and h>c and l>ref(llv(l,6),1) and PFFIN(1001,0)>0; 公主跳舞: 短线指标( 顶尖财经 股票学院: http://www.58188.com ) {参数P1=5,p2=4} 80, POINTDOT; 20, POINTDOT; Var2:=LLV(LOW,P1); Var3:=HHV(HIGH,P1); 公主: EMA((CLOSE-Var2)/(Var3-Var2)*100,P2),COLORFFAA66; D: EMA(0.667*REF(公主,1)+0.333*公主,2),COLOR33CC00; 神獒掌控主图: 波段操作,B点买入,D点卖出!主图和选股公式合集 input:N(88,1,1111),N1(888,1,1111); DRAWGBK((CLOSE > 0),STRIP(RGB(4,1,28),RGB(4,1,35),0)); a1:=IF((CLOSE < 800),((AMOUNT / VOL) / 100),((((CLOSE * 2) + HIGH) + LOW) / 4)); a2:=((HHV(HIGH,15)) + (LLV(LOW,30))) / 2; a3:=EMA((MA(a1,5)),10); a4:=EMA((MA(a1,15)),10); a5:=EMA((MA(a1,13)),21); a6:=((a3 + a4) + a5) / 3; 决策线:EMA((MA(CLOSE,5)),3),colorGreen; PARTLINE(决策线,决策线 > (REF(决策线,3)),RGB(255,0,0)),linethick1,colorRed; 多空带:((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3),linethick0; a7:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.191; a8:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.236; a9:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.809; a10:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.764; a11:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.618; 地线:(a9),linethick1,Coloryellow; 天线:(a7),linethick1,ColorFF0000; 支撑线:(a10),linethick2,Color73740F; 阻力线:(a8),linethick2,Color509046; a12:=((EMA((MA(a1,3)),3)) + (WMA(a1,5))) / 2; a13:=REF(a12,1); a14:=BARSCOUNT(CLOSE); a15:=IF((a14 = 1),0,(((a12 - a13) / a13) * 100)); a16:=REF(CLOSE,1); a17:=IF((a14 = 1),0,(((CLOSE - a16) / a16) * 100)); a18:=IF((a14 = 1),((CLOSE + OPEN) / 2),a13); a19:=REF(a12,2); a20:=((a12 + a13) + a19) / 3; a21:=((ABS((a12 - a20)) + ABS((a13 - a20))) + ABS((a19 - a20))) / 3; a22:=IF((a14 < 3),0,((a21 / a12) * 100)); a23:=IF((((a15 > 0.5) AND ((a22 > 0.215) OR (LOW > a18))) AND (CLOSE >= OPEN)),1,0); a24:=IF((((a15 < (0 - 0.3)) AND ((a22 > 0.2) OR (HIGH < a18))) AND ((OPEN >= CLOSE) OR (a17 < -1))),1,0); FILLRGN((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3,(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.985,CLOSE > a2,RGB(250,0,0),CLOSE < a2,RGB(101,0,185)); B:((COUNT(a23,BARSLAST(a24))) = 1) AND a23,linethick0; D:((COUNT(a24,BARSLAST(a23))) = 1) AND a24,linethick0; DRAWTEXT(B,(LOW * 0.98),'㊣'),linethick3,ALIGN1,colorWhite; DRAWTEXT(D,(HIGH * 1.035),'S'),linethick3,ALIGN1,colorGreen; STICKLINE(((B > 0) OR (D > 0)),a1,(a1 * 0.998),8,0),ColorFF0000; a25:=(EMA(CLOSE,12)) - (EMA(CLOSE,26)); a26:=EMA(a25,9); a27:=2 * (a25 - a26); a28:=IF((((((((REF(a27,1)) < (REF(a27,2))) AND ((REF(a27,2)) < (REF(a27,3)))) AND (a27 > (REF(a27,1)))) AND (a27 >= 0)) AND ((LLV(a27,4)) > 0)) AND (COUNT((a27 < 0.18),5))),(a27 * 2),0); a29:=IF(((COUNT((CROSS(a26,a25)),8)) AND (CROSS(a25,a26))),(a27 * 4),0); a30:=(a28 > 0) AND (CLOSE >= (((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3); DRAWICON(a30,LOW,12),ALIGN1; a31:=(((CLOSE / a16) - 1) * 100) >= 7; a32:=HIGH - ((HIGH - LOW) / 3); a33:=LOW + ((HIGH - LOW) / 3); a34:=(CLOSE > 0) AND a31; a35:=((HIGH - LOW) * 0.618) + LOW; a36:=((HIGH - LOW) * 0.382) + LOW; STICKLINE(a34,a32,a33,8,0),colorYellow; STICKLINE(a34,((HIGH + LOW) / 2),((HIGH + LOW) / 2),8,0); STICKLINE(a34,CLOSE,a35,8,0),colorRed; STICKLINE(a34,CLOSE,a35,7,0),Color1414FF; STICKLINE(a34,CLOSE,a35,6,0),Color2828FF; STICKLINE(a34,CLOSE,a35,5,0),Color3D3DFF; STICKLINE(a34,CLOSE,a35,4,0),Color5151FF; STICKLINE(a34,CLOSE,a35,3,0),Color6565FF; STICKLINE(a34,CLOSE,a35,2,0),Color7A7AFF; STICKLINE(a34,CLOSE,a35,1,0),Color8E8EFF; STICKLINE(a34,a36,OPEN,8,0),colorGreen; STICKLINE(a34,a36,OPEN,7,0),Color28FF28; STICKLINE(a34,a36,OPEN,6,0),Color3DFF3D; STICKLINE(a34,a36,OPEN,5,0),Color51FF51; STICKLINE(a34,a36,OPEN,4,0),Color65FF65; STICKLINE(a34,a36,OPEN,3,0),Color7AFF7A; STICKLINE(a34,a36,OPEN,2,0),Color8EFF8E; STICKLINE(a34,a36,OPEN,1,0),ColorA2FFA2; a37:=((CLOSE - (EMA(a1,25))) / (EMA(a1,25))) * 100; DRAWTEXT(((a37 > 12) AND (CROSS(决策线,CLOSE))),HIGH,'卖出'); a38:=BIGORDER(1,2); a39:=BIGORDER(2,2); a40:=(((a38 - a39) * VOL) / CAPITAL) * 500; DRAWTEXT(((a40 > 0.5) OR (LAST((a40 > 0)) > 1)),((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.002),'● '),colorYellow; DRAWTEXT((a40 > 1),((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.002),'★'),ColorFF0087; DRAWTEXT((a40 > 2),((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.002),'★'),colorBlack; DRAWTEXT((((((REF(a40,1)) >= (HHV(a40,20))) AND (a40 >= (LLV(a40,20)))) AND ((REF(a40,1)) > 2.5)) AND (a40 < -2.5)),(HIGH * 1.02),'◤反转'),colorGreen; DRAWTEXT(((((OPEN / a16) > 1.03) AND (CLOSE < OPEN)) AND (a40 < 0)),HIGH,'出货'),colorMagenta; a41:=LOW < a11; DRAWICON(a41,LOW,1); DRAWICON((((CROSS(CLOSE,(REF(a9,1)))) AND (a15 < -3)) OR (((LOW < 支撑线) AND (CLOSE > 支撑线)) AND (a15 < -3.5))),LOW,7),ALIGN1; DRAWICON(((CROSS((REF(a7,1)),CLOSE)) AND (a40 < 0)),(HIGH * 1.015),8),ALIGN1; DRAWTEXT(((CROSS(CLOSE,(REF(a9,1)))) AND (a40 > 0)),LOW,'1/3仓'),colorMagenta; DRAWTEXT(((CROSS((REF(a7,1)),CLOSE)) AND (a40 < 0)),(HIGH * 1.05),'1/3仓出'),Color00DB00; DRAWTEXT((CROSS(CLOSE,(REF(a10,1)))),(LOW * 0.96),'仓1/2'),colorYellow; DRAWTEXT((CROSS(CLOSE,(REF(((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.681),1)))),(LOW * 0.98),'1/2仓'),Color005EFF; STICKLINE(((CLOSE > 0) AND (DISPSTATUS = 2)),((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.15),((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.15),20,0),colorWhite; STICKLINE(((CLOSE > 0) AND (DISPSTATUS = 2)),((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.85),((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.85),20,0); DRAWTEXT(a41,HIGH,'满仓出击'); a42:=(CYC(8) - (REF(CYC(8),1))) / (REF(CYC(8),1)); a43:=((SMA((MAX((CLOSE - a16),0)),5,1)) / (SMA(ABS((CLOSE - a16)),5,1))) * 100; DRAWTEXT(((((CROSS(90,a43)) AND (a40 < 0)) AND ((CLOSE / OPEN) <= 0.985)) OR (((a43 > 90) AND (a40 < 0)) AND ((CLOSE / OPEN) <= 0.985))),(HIGH * 1.04),'▼'),ALIGN1,colorGreen; DRAWTEXT(((((CROSS(a43,10)) AND (a40 > 0)) OR ((a43 < 10) AND (a40 > 0))) OR (((LOW < 支撑线) AND (CLOSE > 支撑线)) AND (a40 > 0))),(LOW * 0.97),'▲'),ALIGN1,colorRed; DRAWTEXT(((CROSS(a43,10)) AND (a15 < -4)),(LOW * 0.92),'◢◣'),ALIGN1,colorRed; DRAWTEXT((((a15 < -5) AND (a37 < -24)) AND (a43 < 12)),(LOW * 0.95),'▲'),ALIGN1,colorMagenta; DRAWTEXT(((((a15 < -3) AND (a40 > 0)) AND (LOW <= 地线)) AND (CLOSE > 地线)),(LOW * 0.94),'◆'),ALIGN1,colorYellow; DRAWTEXT(((CLOSE > 0) AND (DISPSTATUS = 2)),(决策线 * 0.9),'多空价:'+REF(a6,1)),MOVE10,ALIGN2,colorYellow; DRAWTEXT(((CLOSE > 0) AND (DISPSTATUS = 2)),(a7 * 1.05),'天线:'+a7),MOVE10,ALIGN2,ColorFF8748; DRAWTEXT(((CLOSE > 0) AND (DISPSTATUS = 2)),(a9 * 0.96),'地线:'+a9),MOVE10,ALIGN2,Color766A6C; DRAWTEXT(((CLOSE > 0) AND (DISPSTATUS = 2)),(决策线 * 0.95),'决策价:'+决策线),MOVE10,ALIGN2,colorRed; PARTLINE(支撑线,(MA(a1,10)) > (MA(a1,240)),RGB(255,0,255)),linethick2,colorMagenta; a44:=LOW > (REF(HIGH,1)); a45:=HIGH < (REF(LOW,1)); PARTLINE(地线,(MA(a1,10)) > (MA(a1,72)),RGB(255,255,0)),linethick1,colorYellow; DRAWTEXT(a44,((REF(HIGH,1)) * 1.003),'─'),ALIGN1,colorWhite; DRAWTEXT(a44,(LOW * 1.003),'─'),ALIGN1,colorWhite; DRAWTEXT(a45,((REF(LOW,1)) * 1.003),'─'),ALIGN1,colorGreen; DRAWTEXT(a45,(HIGH * 1.003),'─'),ALIGN1,colorGreen; DRAWTEXTREL(0,0,'评级:'+Extrastring('评级')),colorCyan; DRAWTEXTABS(1,15,'所属板块:'+BKNAME),ColorAFFF00; DRAWTEXTREL(0,130,'每股收益:'+NUMTOSTRN(FINANCE2(3),3)+'元'+' 市盈率:'+NUMTOSTRN(DYNAINFO(39),2)+'元'+' 市净率:'+NUMTOSTRN((CLOSE / FINANCE2(4)),2)+'元'+' 净资产:'+NUMTOSTRN(FINANCE2(4),2)+'元'),Color00C0FF; 选股公式 input:N(88,1,1111),N1(888,1,1111); DRAWGBK((CLOSE > 0),STRIP(RGB(4,1,28),RGB(4,1,35),0)); a1:=IF((CLOSE < 800),((AMOUNT / VOL) / 100),((((CLOSE * 2) + HIGH) + LOW) / 4)); a2:=((HHV(HIGH,15)) + (LLV(LOW,30))) / 2; a3:=EMA((MA(a1,5)),10); a4:=EMA((MA(a1,15)),10); a5:=EMA((MA(a1,13)),21); a6:=((a3 + a4) + a5) / 3; 决策线:=EMA((MA(CLOSE,5)),3); 多空带:=((((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3); a7:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.191; a8:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 1.236; a9:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.809; a10:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.764; a11:=(((REF(a6,1)) + a6) + (REF(a6,2))) / 3 * 0.618; 地线:=(a9); 天线:=(a7); 支撑线:=(a10); 阻力线:=(a8); a12:=((EMA((MA(a1,3)),3)) + (WMA(a1,5))) / 2; a13:=REF(a12,1); a14:=BARSCOUNT(CLOSE); a15:=IF((a14 = 1),0,(((a12 - a13) / a13) * 100)); a16:=REF(CLOSE,1); a17:=IF((a14 = 1),0,(((CLOSE - a16) / a16) * 100)); a18:=IF((a14 = 1),((CLOSE + OPEN) / 2),a13); a19:=REF(a12,2); a20:=((a12 + a13) + a19) / 3; a21:=((ABS((a12 - a20)) + ABS((a13 - a20))) + ABS((a19 - a20))) / 3; a22:=IF((a14 < 3),0,((a21 / a12) * 100)); a23:=IF((((a15 > 0.5) AND ((a22 > 0.215) OR (LOW > a18))) AND (CLOSE >= OPEN)),1,0); a24:=IF((((a15 < (0 - 0.3)) AND ((a22 > 0.2) OR (HIGH < a18))) AND ((OPEN >= CLOSE) OR (a17 < -1))),1,0); 买入:((COUNT(a23,BARSLAST(a24))) = 1) AND a23,coloryellow; 卖出:((COUNT(a24,BARSLAST(a23))) = 1) AND a24,colorgreen; |